Telstra offers the choice of either a 12-month or 24-month Satellite contract with an Australian Telstra Satellite number. Within the contract you have the option to take on a mobile repayment option (MRO) to pay off selected hardware options monthly. Having an Australian Telstra Satellite number will significantly reduce the costs of calls from Telstra Landlines or Telstra Mobile Phones.

Telstra Satellite Airtime is great for frequent users, or users who want to have a constantly ‘active’ satellite service. Some of the key advantages include:

  • No need re-charging or topping up credit
  • Low priced plans from $55 a month
  • Calling rates on the $55 plan at just $1.50 per minute
  • Free Activation of service
  • No call connection fees
  • East number dialling, no need for “0011” or “country code” to call Australian numbers
  • Free to Receive Calls and SMS’s
  • No Call Restrictions (You can call 1800, 1300, 13 numbers)
  • Receive a 10-digit prefix satellite Number starting with 0147 ### ###, similar to a standard mobile number
  • Cheaper calling costs when calling a 0147 ### ### Telstra Satellite prefix number

SatPhone Shop as Telstra’s largest and preferred Satellite dealer is ready to help to any questions and look forward to hearing from you.

Iridium Post-Paid Airtime is a month-to-month subscription for Iridium airtime with low on-going per-minute rates.

With no long-term contracts, SatPhone Shop by the month billing, allows you the flexibility to access the benefits of a post-paid plan without locking yourself into a long-term contract. A simple once off connection fee and then stay for as short or long as you want.
Post-Paid plans offer better value for money with most plans including SMS, calls and/or data in each plan.
SatPhone Shop offers 2 types of plans, Iridium Standard post-paid and Iridium GO! post-paid with a great variety of options to choose from depending on the amount of usage you will need.
Iridium Standard post-paid offer you 5 great plans for use in Australia and globally and 4 Iridium GO! post-paid plans.

So choose the plan that best suits you and have the peace of mind that you are not locking yourself in for a long time!

Iridium Pre-Paid Airtime

Iridium offers two satellite Pre-Paid Airtime's depending on your usage. Iridium Standard Pre-Paid Airtime plans can be used with the Iridium 9555 handset, Iridium Extreme handset and the Iridium GO! device. With an array of Satellite Airtime Options, there is sure to be an airtime choice that will suit your travel or usage needs.

The IsatPhone Global Pre-Paid SIM Cards offer 100 to 5000 units of airtime, great rates, no activation fees, and worldwide coverage. With a range of expiry periods to choose from, IsatPhone prepaid cards are ideal for recurrent users of IsatPhone Pro and IsatPhone 2, or anyone on a fixed budget because there are no overage fees.

Telstra Post-Paid 24 Month Plan
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