SIM Only Rental

If you already have your own Iridium Satellite Phone or can borrow one from a friend, all you then need is a SIM card!

At SatPhone Rental we make life easy and give you the ability to rent just the SIM card. In most cases this works out much cheaper than a Pre-Paid card for shorter trips when you just want to use it for emergencies. It also works out much cheaper and easier than connecting your own SIM card on a plan, paying activation fee’s or getting locked into a 24-month contract.

With a SIM only rental, the daily rental rate includes your access fee, so all you pay when your trip is finished is for any calls you have made. SatPhone Rental will charge for any calls usually within 10 days of your rental return.

So whenever you go away, just contact us and rent a SIM card to keep in touch with family and friends and have that peace of mind in case you have an emergency!

80% of Australia has no MOBILE coverage

Reasons on why you would want to rent a SIM Only:

  • You already have your own Iridium Satellite Phone
  • You have access to a satellite phone from a friend
  • Cheaper than a Pre-Paid sim card
  • Not locking yourself into a 24-month contract
  • Simple and convenient

Why Choose SatPhone Rentals:

  • We’re not just an online rental ordering system, you can speak to a real person
  • We take the time to help you with all your questions and offer the best solution to meet your needs
  • We deliver anywhere is Australia
  • Every product is tested prior to shipping
  • We provide you with the best deals in the market
  • Part of SatPhone Shop, Telstra’s largest Satellite Dealer

SIM Only Airtime Rental

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Beam Communications Holdings Limited
